Your Pro Se Groundwork Bundle
Included below, at no extra cost, is the collection of foundational and compelling pieces
to focus on as you build your case to create a better life for you and your children.
Start where you need to in this moment, but we cannot urge you enough to dive into each mini-course to ensure you are developing the strongest possible set of materials to convince the court of who your co-parent is behind closed doors, and what stability and routine you yourself can offer your children.
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TEMPLATE: Timeline of Disturbing Behavior
CourseThe Timeline of Disturbing Behavior is an excellent tool for telling the story of cruelty that you dealt with from your co-parent, so that the court professionals you meet with can have a clear picture of who your co-parent is out of public view.
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TEMPLATE: Visitation Log
CourseThe Visitation Log is a digital resource that guides you in recording each day your children are with your co-parent, so that you can easily access all of the data for your custody case.
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The Custody Blueprint®: Preparing for a Custody Evaluation (against a narcissist)
CourseWhile it may seem like the cost of a forensic evaluation is your biggest issue, the truth is that 85-90% of family court judges simply go along with whatever the evaluator recommends. Learn how to show the evaluator the truth about your co-parent.
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Preparing for Mediation or Settlement Conference
CoursePrepare for your mediation or settlement conference with a high-conflict co-parent. Course includes The Custody Blueprint® settlement proposal template.
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Preparing for a Deposition Against a Narcissistic Co-Parent
CourseLearning you are going to be deposed can make your anxiety go through the roof, especially when your co-parent is high-conflict. Get clarity on what's expected and how to handle a deposition so you don't give away evidence.
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Creating a Parenting Plan with a Narcissist
CourseGoing up against a narcissistic co-parent in family court is hard enough. Trying to get them to agree with you on just about anything feels impossible. Put together a proposal intended to calm the chaos and close the loopholes.